Tuesday, October 1, 2013

US Toy Purchase Part 2

So in the last post I showed some of the purchases I made from US Toy that I thought fit nicely in size.
This time I want to look at the two vehicles I got that didn't look like their sizes are going to work right.

First up is a taxi cab ($5.95).

At first glace the taxi just seems too big compared to the other vehicles. 
Though I will admit that looking at these pictures, it doesn't look too terrible. 
It might work, as long as the smaller vehicles were kept away from it.

Next up is a school bus ($5.95).

It just looks too small. The length might work for a smaller school bus, but the height and width is too small. 
I might be able to pass it off as some kind of SUV if I do some major modifications to it. 
I think it is probably in scale with the car I got from K-Mart.

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