Sunday, April 14, 2019

Heroquest board and accessories

My next big project was to create a Heroquest board and accessories.

Dollar Store Skeletons and Stygian Boat

Here is a bunch of stuff I made from some skeletons I got at Dollar General around Halloween. 

I made some bone piles.

I also made three necrophidiuses (skeletal snake constructs).

I also used a canoe from Hobby Lobby and some other skeletal bits and pieces and made a Stygian boat.

And last thing I made was a skeletal throne.

Monday, April 1, 2019

I haven't posted for a long time, but I have gotten into crafting using cheap materials.  I will start posting items I have made soon.

If you are interested in starting to craft you can start with these youtube channels and then expand out from there.

The DM's Craft:
The DMG info:
Wyloch's Armory: